Activity (as of October 2002)

Planning and producing EcoDesign Conferences
・ Ecodesign Japan Symposium and EcoDesign International Cnference

Technical Evaluation for EcoDesign Company and products
・ To aim the promotion of EcoDesign concept, evaluating ecoDesign of companies and products technically and feed the back the resut to the society.

Networking with other research NPOs and Technology transfer
・ Establishment of Joint Laboratory with Fraunhofer IZM and joint research with the University of Tokyo
・ Establishment of International Research Institute of Microelectronic Packaging & Eco-design in China

Assist and support of consortia related to packaging and EcoDesign
・ Promoting establishment of the next generation packaging consortium by industry and academia network

Information Collection and Research on EcoDesign
・ Collecting Technical information on EcoDesign and establishing information network with related organizations in Asia