Best papers
EcoDesign2019 Best Paper Awards were awarded to the following authors and papers.
The Best Papers were selected from 79 e-book papers.
The papers were evaluated in their scientific contribusion, practical contribution, and relevance to the symposium topics.
- Suphichaya Suppipat (1), Allen H. Hu (1), Treechada Chotiratanapinun (2)
- (1) National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan; (2) Silpakorn University, Thailand
“Gamifying Sustainable Design to Enhance Environmental Consciousness of Industrial Design Students” - Xiaoxi Zhang (1), Machiko Shinozuka (1), Yuriko Tanaka (1), Yuko Kanamori (2), Toshihiko Masui (2)
- (1) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan
(2) National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan
“Forecast of Future Impacts of Using ICT Services on GHG Emissions Reduction and GDP Growth in Japan” - Wanjun Chu, Wiktoria Glad, Renee Wever
- Linkoping University, Sweden
“User Activity Matters: An Activity Theory Informed Design Toolkit for Sustainable Behavior Design”
The papers were included in the USB proceedings that were handed to the symposium participants. Also, the papers become available through the E-book proceedings which are published by Springer in 2020. (About USB proceedings and E-book proceedings, please see Proceedings page.)

EcoDesign2019 Award Committee
- [Chair] Tomohiko Sakao (Linköping University, Sweden)
- Nils F. Nissen (Fraunhofer IZM, Germany)
- Jahau L. Chen (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
- Casper Boks (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
- Yusuke Kishita (The University of Tokyo, Japan)